I’m glad we have free speech.

Well, if you’ve been following the goings on in China as relates to Google, then you know what I’m talking about.  If not, let me catch you up to speed.
Google, trying to keep to it’s corporate motto of “do no harm” said they would no longer censor their search results in China.
The Chinese Government informed Google to submit to the laws of their land or get out, so Google pulled out of China, redirecting google.cn to google.com.hk (their Hong Kong search engine).
The Chinese Government, afraid of a little free speech, has officially told the press in their country what they can and can not say with regards to Google closing it’s search engine in their country (http://bit.ly/cmp2Vu).
An interesting fact that that article mentions is that the Chinese Government has 280,000 people surfing the Internet full time, looking for posts that attack the “Party”, “Government” and “State”, and then they have that free speech taken down.
Isn’t it nice to, at least, have the right to descent from our government?   More later, when I have a chance, just thought I’d share that article.

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