I drove up to Johnson to meet up with Matt & Steve to go do a double tank dive in Lake Willoughby.
After moving my gear to Matt’s truck, we made the drive from Matt’s house to the lake.
Once at the lake, we assembled our gear, and made our way down to the water.
It was then that I discovered that I didn’t have my weight pockets for my BCD. They were in the truck of my car, doh. Between the extra weights I had on my, and the extra that Matt & Steve had, 8 pounds, I was going to do the best I could to get down.
We began the dive, and I couldn’t get down at first, so I popped up, figuring that I’d miss the first dive. Matt & Steve pop up, and I tell them that I’m going to follow them, above, and get a partial dive in. They begin the dive, and I follow, watching Matt’s fins. I try to keep his bright fins in my sight.
I turn, and kick down, equalizing the whole way, until I’m 50 feet deep in the lake. I swim up next to Steve and he’s surprised that I’m with them. I swim with them for a while, until my tank depletes and then I’m up like a buoy, but I did get in my 15 foot 3 minute safety stop. Total dive time for this dive was around 46 minutes with a depth of around 60 feet.
We did a surface interval of around an hour and 20 minutes, and then began the second dive. I swam with them, and found the best part of this lake, 20 feet from the shore, you can get over 100 feet deep. We were swimming and checking out the geologic formations, and I went down to the bottom, to see how deep it was. I was at 98 feet, I couldn’t help it, I went a little deeper, 102, had to break the 100 foot barrier. I checked the temperature, 46 degrees, I wasn’t going to stay that deep for very long. I came back up to the thermocline.
I lost my knife during this dive, it flew out of my pocket. I chased it, but couldn’t catch it. Steve and Matt both said it was funny, they thought I was chasing a fish. I know where the knife is, and will try to locate it when I’m up there for the dive weekend in September. Total time for this dive was around 37 minutes, 3 minutes at 102.
To view my list of dive sites, go here, or to view my list of Willoughby Lake dive sites, go here.