The above picture was taken of the General Butler at a depth of 39.3 feet.
To read more about the General Butler visit on my site here or at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum’s website at http://www.lcmm.org/shipwrecks_history/uhp/general_butler.htm.
We are going to use the side scan sonar to locate more shipwrecks, that aren’t labeled, so that charters can be brought to them.
As of right now, we intend to start in the Shelburne Bay, then work our way around to the rest of the lake. From what we have been told, there is a ferry and a tug boat in those waters.
We feel it will take us a week to check the waters of the Bay. As we find new shipwrecks, I’ll be posting the side scan pictures, as well as rough location information here.
Once we have done that, we will post here, and on Facebook, a charter date to that dive site.
Happy hunting!