Citigroup denies computer-system breach – Security- msnbc.com
Citigroup denies data breach.
Citigroup denies data breach.
A funny game board that came in via email the other day.
I just caught some of Man In The Moon with Jim Carey, a movie about Andy Kaufman. What a comic genious. A quick google on Andy’s name brought this clip up. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
The road up to the rent’s house.
Here I sit, in the basement. I haven’t sat in a basement since I was growing up on Robin Road. After my parents sold that house, we all moved, my sister and I got an apartment in Essex, then I moved to Phoenix. Out in Phoenix, they don’t make basements.
I was just cleaning up my hard drive, moving some files back and forth, and found this story that I typed up. I believe it was something I heard on the radio, probably Garrison Keillor. This weekend, in the central Ohio town where I grew up, there will be a
A collage of a bunch of trips over the course of around 18 months. A bunch of fun stuff! The quad ride was on the beach in Ft Lauderdale, the Disney pictures were from Disney World, there are some pictures of St Maarten where I scuba dove in the ocean
In yet another example of overreach, the McCormick Ranch Property Owner’s association has stolen the signs to my restaurant. They claim that because my restaurant is in a commerical spot residing within their boundries, that their Residential CC&R’s are enforceable on the businesses. I’d suggest that anyone buying, renting, or
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