January 2010

Buffalo Debt Collectors Violate The Law

As the economy continued to tank, a lot of business people came up with the next way to make a bunch of money, rapidly.They formed debt collection companies.  The central hub of this activity seems to be in the Buffalo, New York area.  I think the reason has to do with the cheap

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Get Rid Of Cable and Satellite, Get Your Shows For Free

I was reading an article on PBS.org which encourages us to dump the cable and satellite companies, to move towards getting your programming through the Internet, so I thought I’d explore this a bit with this entry.Part of the reason for this author to encourage the abandonment of the service providers is

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Give a pint, get a pint.

One of the things that we can do to help our community at all times is to give blood.  It’s free, they feed you, and even give you juices.  So why don’t more people give blood?  Your one donation keeps several people alive.  Just off from one pint, see below,

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