20070705 – A Little Damage To The Scion

What an interesting day I had 2 days ago.  It started with me moving, during one of the hottest times of the year, during an unusually hot spell in Phoenix.  While Las Vegas is reaching 120 degrees, we are in the 115ish range, and I’m moving.  I finally corral my friend with the pickup into helping me move the big stuff, and I finish.  We go to have dinner at a place near my house, and have a drink.  We are there for 45 minutes, when we leave, and he rips the door off my car with his truck.  To see where we were,  go here: Live Search Maps   I was parked in the spot to the right of the building, beyond the greenbelt kind of area, in the north spot, 2 spots away from light that you can see.  he was in the spot directly southwest of me.  He was watching the light to make sure it didn’t dent his truck, and didn’t see my door opened. He was pulling through the parking space in front of him, but hadn’t noticed my door was opened.  He was watching the driver side of his truck to make sure he didn’t hit anything, and hyperextended my door causing $2500 in damage to my car. As if that’s not enough, I also had a $4000 chargeback happen on my merchant account, the same day. There was one more personal thing that happened that day that I’m not posting, but it did make for an interesting day.  It was one of those days that you evaluate the day you are having against, and say, “Well, at least it wasn’t like that.”

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